Schoolgirl Teacher, Whiteface Preacher, oil on canvas, 48″ x 60″, 2004
The Unreflecting Mirror, oil on canvas, 64″ x 52″, 2005, collection of the artist
Woman in Shadows, oil on canvas, 22″ x 22″, 2005, private collection, Brazil
Pour Your Soft Influences, oil on canvas, 38″ x 30″, 2005
Still Life, oil on canvas, 32″ x 26″, 2004
Engram, oil on canvas, 40″ x 30″, 2004
Raising of the Female Waters, oil on canvas, 56″ x 70″, 2005
Dreamer, oil on canvas, 12″ x 12″, 2003, private collection in Germany
A Different Education, oil on canvas, 48″ x 34″, 2003
Seven Days Drowned, oil on canvas, 64″ x 36″, 2002
Dream of the Beast, oil on canvas, 48″ x 72″, 2002, private collection in Ottawa
Dance of Salome, oil on canvas, 48″ x 72″, 2001, Colart Collection, Montreal
What Little Girls Are Made Of, oil on canvas, tripytch, 3 panels of 72″ x 48″, 2001. Collection of the artist.
Animosity, oil on canvas, 63″ x 46″, 2001
Dreams of Deprivation, oil on canvas, 50″ x 63″, 2001, private collection in Toronto
Cat’s Cradle, oil on canvas, 2001, 64″ x 52″
Watching the Wake, oil on canvas, 2001, 54″ x 36″

The Adoration, oil on canvas, 2004, 60″ x 40″